To successfully complete this course
you must:
the orientation session.
weekly timesheets.
a daily log of internship activities.
a description of the daily activities with its timesheet completed over a
two-week period via Brightspace.
a total of 135 hours during the semester.
an internship portfolio.
Internship Period
An intern will work during the stated semester dates. For Fall semester
credit, students will be contracted to work - August through December, for
Spring semester credit - January through May, and for Summer
semester credit - May through August. If special conditions arise where the
internship request overlaps semesters, contact Professor Scalia.
Required Work Hours
A student is required to work a total of 135 hours at the internship
placement (15 weeks for approximately 8 hours per week) to earn three internship
credit hours.
Internship Credit Hours
A student can earn up to 12 hours of internship credit during the last two
years at Buffalo State University. Generally, internship credit is not
granted for a student’s current job, unless the tasks and assignments
increase with responsibility. Contact Professor Scalia for
clarification and final decision.
An intern is required to complete timesheets every two weeks which are signed
by the intern and the company supervisor. Refer to Brightspace for the
timesheet due dates. A copy of the timesheet form can be found below under
portfolio requirements. The timesheets are submitted in the appropriate Drop
Box on Brightspace with its accompanying internship log.
Internship Logs
Every two weeks, post on Brightspace the internship log highlighting the
internship activities performed, along with the specific dates and times
worked and its accompanying timesheet. Refer to Brightspace for internship
logs due dates. To see an example of an internship log, refer to the
portfolio requirements below.
Scheduled Meetings
Individual or group meetings may be scheduled during the semester.
Portfolio Requirements
An integral part of the internship program is the preparation of
an internship portfolio describing the internship experience. This portfolio
must be presented in a WORD file with all sections labeled. Use 12-point
Times Roman font, double spaced with one-inch margins. You are required to
email the final internship portfolio to your company supervisor for verification
and to Professor Scalia for grading. The internship portfolio must include
the following:
Title Page:
Include the intern's name, company name and address with the company logo,
supervisor's name, title and telephone number, semester/year, and the dates
of internship experience.
Section I - Company Background: Provide an overview of the
internship company history, corporate mission, and product and/or service offerings.
You must cite your sources of reference (ex. Web site URL, company generated
materials, articles, books, etc.). (2 pages)
Section II - Internship Experience: Describe in detail your
internship work assignments. Use subheadings to explain each of these
assignments. Discuss the assignment, its frequency, its rationale, and the
learning experience received. (5 pages)
Section III - Log of Internship Activities: Include
a copy of all of the Brightspace posted internship
logs that were sent during the semester.
These daily logs include the internship activities, duties, and tasks
that were performed each day, along with the specific dates and times worked.
For an example of the format of the Daily
Internship Log click here.
Section IV -Timesheets: Include timesheets
signed by you and the company supervisor. For a copy of a timesheet
click here.
Section V - Internship Company Evaluation: Discuss the strengths
and weaknesses of interning with this company. What suggestions would you
recommend the company continue and what areas need improvement? (3 pages)
Section VI - Self-evaluation: Address the contributions and
strengths you brought to this internship. What areas did you feel you were
deficient in completing your assigned tasks? What additional training or
classes do you feel are necessary to better prepare you for your future
business career? (3 pages)
Section VII - Internship Activities Documentation: Include
documentation of the activities you performed during the internship
experience. These tangible items may include: copies
of special projects/assignments that were completed, letters/memos written, survey
analysis conducted, meeting agendas attended, photographs of activities
organized, etc. This documentation can be scanned in a WORD file or a
PDF. Do not submit any company information that is confidential
in nature. Always ask your supervisor first if materials can be read
by an outsider.
Section VIII - Internship Forms: After your
internship company supervisor reviews your final portfolio, request your
supervisor to complete the following two forms and include them in your
portfolio prior to sending your portfolio to Prof Scalia for grading.
Student Internship
Performance Evaluation (Form 4) and Supervisor Verification
of Internship Portfolio (Form 5).
***Your company supervisor must review your final version of your
Submit your final internship portfolio to Professor Scalia (scalialm@buffalostate.edu) for grading after the required
135 hours are completed or during the last week of the semester. If
additional time is needed to complete the required internship hours, contact
Professor Scalia. Examples of past internship portfolios are available for
review and can be used as a guide in preparing your internship portfolio.
Internship Grading
A letter grade will be awarded at the
completion of the internship experience. If you fail to meet the stated
requirements, you will not pass this course.
Academic Honesty
For the benefit of the isolated student who needs to be reminded, my policy
is simple, anyone who submits any portion of the internship documentation
that is not his/her own or plagiarizes any work will, without exception will
be referred to Buffalo State University's Academic Misconduct Committee.
At the conclusion of your internship, request a letter of recommendation from
your company internship supervisor. It is expected that you send thank you
notes to those that assisted you with your internship learning experience. It
is a nice touch, and you never know when you may need these individuals to
help you with your job search!
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