Here's a partial list of professional and scholarly organizations in the communication field, as well as some well-known public relations firms and a few PR blogs.
American Advertising Federation
American Association of Advertising Agencies
American Marketing Association
Canadian Public Relations Society
Council of Public Relations Firms - An organization that represents the business of public relations.
Entertainment Publicists Professional Society - A New York City- and Los Angeles-based membereship organization of marketing and publicity professionals working in the entertainment industry.
Institute for Public Relations - Source of free downloadable white papers on measurement, evaluation and other topics of interest to PR practitioners and faculty.
International Association of Business Communicators - San Francisco-based global network of 12,000 PR practitioners
International Public Relations Association
Public Relations Society of America (National Headquarters) - Based in New York City, this is the largest organization of public relations professionals in the world, with 20,000 members. PRSA's Web site includes links to professional resources, a Job Center, publications for PR practitioners, conferences, networking, a list of chapters, and awards.
Public Relations Society of America, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter - This is the local chapter of PRSA, and students are welcome to attend its events if they are members of the Public Relations Student Society of America.
Public Relations Student Society of America (National Headquarters)
Public Relations Student Society of America, Buffalo State Chapter - If you are considering a career in public relations, join the campus chapter of PRSSA for hands-on PR experience, chapter programs featuring PR practitioners as guest speakers, and opportunities to attend Buffalo-Niagara PRSA chapter programs!
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Association of Internet Researchers
International Communication Association
National Communication Association
Public Relations Society of America, Educators' Academy
Cision (formerly Delahaye Group)
BlinnPR Report - Media relations perspectives from a boutique agency
Corporate PR - Commentary on the current and future practice of corporate public relations
D S Simon Vlog Views - A video blog by Doug Simon featuring commentary and opinions on PR and marketing
Edelman 6 A.M. - Analysis and professional insights from the president and CEO of Edelman
For Immediate Release, The Hobson & Holz Report - Comments on PR and technology by Shel Holtz and Neville Hobson
Flack, The - Peter Himler's blog, intended to "shine a brighter light on the subtle role public relations plays in politics, popular culture, journalism, business/finance, entertainment, consumer marketing and sports"
Judy Cushman's Blog - a blog for senior communications professionals
Lubetkin's Other Blog - Steve Lubetkin comments on news, journalism and public relations
Media Guerrilla - An inside look at tech PR from Mike Manuel
PRSSA Blog - Students in the Public Relations Student Society of America discuss issues pertaining to public relations
Reputation Management - Comments on developing, maintaining and recovering reputation
Shel of My Former Self - Thoughts about the field of organizational communication by Shel Holtz
What's Next - Written by BL Ochman, this blog offers how-to's, promotional materials and links on a wide variety of topics.
Jack O'Dwyer - gives updates on the public relations field, including the rankings of the top PR firms and professional issues.
PR Place - provides information about public relations and marketing communications, including addresses and hot links to organizations, publications, online news services, databases, and journalism interest groups.
At the PRSA Leadership Rally--As Chair-Elect of PRSA's Northeast District, I attended PRSA's two-day Leadership Rally, a leadership training program for incoming PRSA chapter presidents and district chairs in New York City in June 2007. Seated at my left is Rhoda Weiss, PRSA chair and CEO; standing, left to right, are Randall McKey, Miami Chapter president-elect; Chris Lynch, PRSA Board of Directors; Tom Nutile, Boston Chapter president-elect; Sandy Poneleit, Southwest Missouri Chapter president-elect; Jennifer Byrd, San Francisco Bay Area Chapter president-elect; and Emma Inman, Hampton Roads Virginia Chapter president-elect.
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