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Guidelines on Program Evaluation

Carter McNamara's Basic Guide to Program Evaluation  reviews the elements of an evaluation program. This site offers a lot of practical and sound advice about the development of research design, data collection instruments, and data analysis. Click on the words "Basic Guide" in the Mining Co. home page.

The Hospital Council of Western Pennsylvania provides a service-oriented site with a program evaluation primer, a step- by-step guide to program evaluation, and a bibliography.

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Professional Associations

The American Evaluation Association's mission is to:  improve evaluation practices and methods, increase evaluation use, promote evaluation as a profession, and support the contribution of evaluation to the generation of theory and knowledge about effective human action. Site includes Guiding Principles for Evaluators  and the Joint Committee Reports on Evaluation Standards.

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Programs and Courses on Program Evaluation

Sample of a program evaluation course offered at San Francisco State University.
PA 784: Seminar on Program Evaluation

Florida State University's Certificate in Program Evaluation provides information about the types of courses and background for professional program evaluators.

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Organizations that Provide Evaluation Reports

The Domestic Violence Program Evaluation Project, Jane Addams College of Social Work offers a collection of research projects evaluating various domestic violence prevention efforts.

The Center for Child and Family Studies was created in 1986 by the College of Social Work, University of South Carolina, to address issues related to children and families. Since that time, the Center has gained prominence for its curriculum development and training, research and program evaluation, conference planning, and social work education initiatives.  This Web site contains online papers, evaluation designs, and evaluation reports.

Koch Crime Institute’s mission states a commitment to research and policy analysis. It consults and partners with communities, states, organizations, and institutions interested in preventing, reducing, and fighting crime in the most effective and economical ways possible. View the Research Division's Report, "The Standardization of Juvenile Offender Program Evaluation." (1998).

The government of Saskatchewan's Education Department provides leadership in the development and operation of education from Kindergarten to Grade 12 in the province.  Their report titled, "Children First: A Curriculum Guide for Kindergarten" provides results of an evaluation and includes discussion of evaluation procedures.
MAXIMUS's business is helping government by using available resources and advanced technology to maximize productivity and cost effectiveness. MAXIMUS is a results-driven, information technology oriented organization. For over 23 years, MAXIMUS has provided management consulting and operations services to America's most forward-thinking governments. They provide a number of evaluation and research reports on their Web site.

Public Policy and Evaluation of Services to Enable and Empower Kids (PPE-SEEK), now in its eighth year, targets children who have a parent in state prisons in an attempt to break the intergenerational cycle of violence and crime. The purpose of the proposed evaluation is to establish a baseline of information on whether this unique prevention program is reaching its intended objectives.

The Arizona Rape Prevention Education Evaluation Project is responsible for evaluating rape prevention education activities and providing technical assistance to programs that are funded to provide school and community based rape prevention education and rape crisis hotline services in Arizona.  Contains a detailed annotated  bibliography of evaluation studies on prevention of sexual abuse.

The Program Evaluation function is a special, highly-structured program of the Wyoming Legislative Service Office.  This office provides complete copies of evaluation reports on various social and governmental programs.

"Findings from an Evaluation of the Parent Institute for Quality Education Parent Involvement Program" is an example of a high quality evaluation from RAND.  NOTE: This document is in Adobe PDF format and takes about a minute to download.  To view the report click here.  For a complete list of all RAND reports available online:  click here.

Minnesota Program Evaluation Division evaluates state government programs and agencies and helps to ensure accountability for the expenditure of public funds. The site contains numerous evaluation reports.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services offers a huge number of evaluation report abstracts and the capability to search for specific program evaluation abstracts.
 The Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Initiative offers useful pages on the process and principles of evaluation.

HandsNet empowers organizations to effectively integrate online communications strategies, strengthening their programs and policies for children, families, and people in need. The HandsNet site contains some references to recent reports on programs.

Wisconsin provides a complete report on the LearnFare Program and includes the data collection instruments and a large database of research conducted during 1993-96.

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If you have information about Web sites and online materials that is suited for this resource, please send the URL to me and I will add the site to the list.