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Evaluation Report Review
Conduct a search for reports of evaluation
studies and select a published report for review and comment.
Many reports are now available on the Internet (check the EDF 712
Include the following sections in your discussion
of the evaluation report.
- Complete title of the report, date, place
of publication, and identified authors.
- Complete information about the sponsor,
agency, and evaluator.
- A brief summary of the major objective(s)
of the evaluation.
- A brief summary of the major findings of
the evaluation as presented in the report.
- Identify a set of criteria that should
be followed by a useful, quality program evaluation. This might
include guidelines for the methodology, research design, organization,
content, conclusions, relationship with the agency and its constituents,
- Your conclusions and assessment of the
Present your review in a well-organized paper
with clearly identified sections. Be sure to make reference to
content of the report that you are citing or discussing in your paper.
Length = 5 to 8 pages.
DESIGN PROJECT (60 points)
The assignment is to prepare a design or plan
for a program evaluation of an existing program offered by an actual
organization. The selected organization may be public or private,
nonprofit or for-profit and may be engaged in providing any type of
service to any type of constituency. The organization should be of
reasonable size and should have multiple sites for service delivery.
The evaluation must use some form of experimental design and must
be original and entirely your own work.
- The evaluation design will include
the following:
- Objectives of the evaluation
(1 page)
- Background (2 pages)
- Origin and development
of the program
- Description of the organization
- Goals of the program (including
a diagram of the program's causal model)
- Description of the program
(including a diagram of program operation)
- Proposed program evaluation (2 pages)
- Evaluation design
- Data collection procedures
- Data collection instruments
- Problems and limitations
- Cost-benefit considerations (1 page)
- Results (1 page)
- Outline of an evaluation report
- At least three "dummy tables" that
would be included in the final report
- Budget estimate. How much will the evaluation
cost? (1 page)
- Format. Evaluation designs should
contain at least 7 pages of text exclusive of exhibits, charts,
tables, and appendices. It is expected that designs will represent
graduate-level work in both content and presentation. Papers that
are poorly written or badly typed or both are not acceptable.
- Design due dates.
- Feb. 23:
- Submit name of organization and program
selected for evaluation.
- Mar. 16:
- Submit statement of evaluation methodology.
These will be discussed in class.
- Apr. 20:
- Submit completed evaluation design. [This
is tentative: Each student will make a 10 minute class presentation
describing her or his evaluation project. For the presentation,
assume you are an evaluation professional presenting and explaining
the proposed design to a funding agency or client organization.
You may want to use handouts and visual aids during your presentation.]