Genetics Problem Spaces




Problem Spaces




Proposal Guidelines

Example Proposal


Presentation Template

Example Presentations

Research Paper
Research Paper Rubric

Example Papers

Codon Bias

Behavior Gen

Arabinose Op

Statistical Analysis

Contingency Chi Square

Content Check List

Student Projects



Your independent laboratory research project is your central task in the BIO303 lab this semester.  If you develop a quality project, it can be an important part of your undergraduate training in biology.  The material in each of the Genetics Problem Spaces will help you design and conduct your research project.  It is important that you have a research plan approved by March 15 and that your experiment is completed early enough during the semester so that you have time to prepare your presentation and final paper. Both are due May 3, 2005.  Don’t procrastinate; the semester will go by fast.


Your grade for the Genetics Problem Spaces will be based on six assignments.  These assignments will be worth a total of 140pts or 70% of your laboratory grade in BIO303.  (The remaining 30% of your laboratory grade will be based on the two semester-long experiments initiated the first week of the semester, the Drosophila Linkage Genetics and the Wisconsin Fast Plant Quantitative Genetics.)  The six assignments include the three laboratory reports for the introductory exercises, a one-page research proposal describing your experiment, a PowerPoint presentation the last session of the semester and a written research report.  The technical completion of your independent research will factor into the grades of the last two assignments.


Instructions for the short laboratory reports associated with each of the introductory exercises can be found at the end of the description of each exercise.  Instructions for the research proposal, PowerPoint Presentation, and Final Paper can be found at the links under “Assignments”.