Rubric for BIO303 Research Report


1.      Does Not Meet Standard (D or E Paper)

(If any of these errors are committed, the paper doesn't meet the standard)


a.       Commits one or more major errors of interpretation

b.      Omits one or more sections of a scientific paper, or one or more sections incorrectly written (e.g. Results or Materials and Methods without narrative)

c.       Data are not summarized in tables, figures or graphs

d.      Numerous errors in usage of scientific terminology, errors of fact or awkward writing which reflect a lack of understanding of the experiment and its results.


2.      Approaching Standard (C Paper)

(All of these items must be achieved to be "approaching the standard")


a.       Includes all the sections of a scientific paper.  Some of the sections may be lacking  essential material or material may be included in inappropriate sections of the report

b.      Data are summarized in tables, figures or graphs.  Tables and graphs may be poorly labeled, lack legends, or fail to employ scientific conventions.

c.       A few errors in scientific usage, errors of fact, or grammar but not so many as to obscure the description of the experiment.


3.      Meeting Standard (B Paper)

(All of these items must be achieved to be "meeting the standard")


a.       Principle results of the investigation are correctly interpreted

b.      Includes all the relevant material organized into appropriate sections of a scientific paper.  The level of detail may be inappropriate for a professional paper and the organization of the narratives within a section may be awkward.

c.       Data are summarized in tables, figures or graphs which are clearly labeled, employ scientific conventions and contain informative legends.

d.      Generally appropriate scientific usage employed, report is factually accurate and contains few grammatical errors and little awkward writing.


4.      Exceeding Standard (A Paper)

(All of these items must be achieved to be "exceeding the standard")


a.       A very complete and professional scientific paper with material properly organized within appropriate sections, tables, and figures. Report is clearly written and follows scientific conventions. 

b.      Student displays real insight into the natural processes being investigated, successfully evaluates the outcome of the experiment and offers original suggestions for improvement of the experiment or further investigations.