
Professor Bill Engelbrecht

Professor Bill Engelbrecht

Office: Classroom Building, B-105

Office Phone: 878-6520Home phone: 884-6094

Office Hours: 2:00 - 3:15 Monday, Wednesday, Friday

8:30 - 10:30 A.M., Tuesdays, Thursdays or by appointment.

For more about Dr. E. and the Anthropology Department, see:

Teaching Assistants (Peer Mentors)

Sarah Brice and Kelly Deppa

They will be available to go over lecture notes with students and to hold reviews before exams.  They will be in the Classroom Building B-111. 

Kelly:   Mon., Wed.  11:00

Sarah:  Mon.  2:00

EOP Academic Resource Center

The EOP Academic Resource Center address is:

Academic Skills Center

The Academic Skills Center is in South Wing 330 (878-4041)

Course     Exams    Topics              Highlights