Our research facilities include a thin film
deposition system, vibrating sample magnetometer, atomic force microscope, XRD, UV-VIS-NIR optical spectrophotometer integrated with a continuous flow helium
cryostat for variable temperature measurements (4 K to
500 K), and transport measurements (resistivity and dielectric
properties measurements).
RF Magnetron Sputtering Deposition
- Two 1" and one 2" guns with three dedicated power supplies
- Substrate heater (up to 850 oC)

RF Magnetron Sputtering MiniFlex 600 X-Ray Diffraction System

9 Tesla PPMS Dyna Cool System
- Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (4 K - 400 K)
- DC Resistivity
- Electrical Transport Option
- Fiber Optic Probe

Perkin Elmer Lambda 950 Spectrophotometer
- wavelength range: 190 nm - 3300 nm
- three detectors
- integrated with a continous flow cryostat for variable
temperatures (4 K - 500 K) measurements
Flex Axiom AFM (Nanosurf)
• Precision Premier II Ferroelectric Test Systems (Radiant Tech)
• Precision LCR Meter (QuadTech Model 1920)
• Keithley 6517B Electrometer, Keithley 2400 Source Meter, Keithley and HP Power Supply and DMMs
• Mössbauer spectrometer
• Electric Tube and Muffle Furnaces (Maximum temperature 1200 oC and 1700 oC) for sample preparation, annealing, and sinterring
• 15 Ton Hydraulic Press for Sample Pellet Preparation
• Continous Flow Helium Cryostat (Temp Range: 4 K - 500 K) and turbomolecular pumps