Magazine Articles


Zhang, Jie 1997. "A New View on the Chinese Characters Reform." Hua Xia Wen Zhai (China News Digest—Chinese Magazine) (in Chinese).

Zhang, Jie 1998a. "The Beauty of Life and a Beautiful Life." Hua Xia Wen Zhai (China News Digest–Chinese Magazine) (in Chinese).

Zhang, Jie 1998b. "The Clinton's Sex Scandal and Others " Hua Xia Wen Zhai (China News Digest—Chinese Magazine) (in Chinese).

Eric Yang Liu, and Jie Zhang. 2010. “American Sociological Review: The Banner of American Sociological Association.” Chinese Social Sciences Today. 61: 17, February 2, 2010.

张杰. 2010. 扭力:压力不协调可导致自杀. 大众医学. 2010年第12期:50-51.

张杰. 2011. 手机短信看进步. 人民日报海外版. 2011623日,第四版.

张杰. 2011. "自杀行为没有贫富之分”." 大众医学 2011:30-31.

张杰. 2012. "谁左右了你的幸福感?." 大众医学 2012(5): 49.