1.      Zhang, Jie and Darwin L. Thomas. 1991. “Familial and religious influences on suicidal ideation.” Family Perspective 25: 301-321.


2.      Zhang, Jie and Darwin L. Thomas. 1994. “Modernization theory revisited: A cross-cultural study of adolescent conformity to significant others in Mainland China, Taiwan, and the USA.” Adolescence 29: 885-903.


3.      Zhang, Jie. 1996a. “Suicides in Beijing, China, 1992-1993.” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 26: 175-180.


4.      Zhang, Jie. 1996b. “Patterns of physical preference among races: A preliminary study with college students.” Perceptual and Motor Skills 83: 901-902.


5.      Zhang, Jie and Shenghua Jin. 1996. “Determinants of suicide ideation: A comparison of Chinese and American college students.” Adolescence 31: 451-467.


6.      Zhang, Jie and Shenghua Jin. 1998. “Interpersonal relations and suicide ideation in China.” Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs 124(1): 79-94.


7.      Jin, Shenghua and Jie Zhang. 1998. “The effects of physical and psychological well-being on suicidal ideation.” Journal of Clinical Psychology 54(4): 401-413.


8.      Zhang, Jie. 1998. “Suicide in the world: Toward a population increase theory of suicide.” Death Studies 22(6): 525-539.


9.      , Xuehong and Jie Zhang. 1999. “Reading efficiency: A comparative study of English and Chinese orthographies.” Reading Research and Instruction 38(4): 301-317.


10.  Zhang, Jie. 2000a. “Gender differences in athletic performance and their implications in gender ratios of suicide: A comparison between the USA and China.” Omega – Journal of Death and Dying 41(2): 117-123.


11.  Zhang, Jie. 2000b. “Understanding Chinese suicide with a comparison of national data.”  American Review of China Studies. 1(1): 9-29.


12.  Zhang, Jie. 2000c. “Collectivism or individualism: An analysis of Chinese interactive culture.” American Review of China Studies 1(2): 57-65.


13.  Zhang, Jie, Jill M. Norvilitis, and Shenghua Jin. 2001. “Measuring gender orientation with the Bem Sex Role Inventory in Chinese culture.” Sex Roles: A Journal of Research 44(3/4): 237-251.


14.  Zhang, Jie, and Jill M. Norvilitis. 2002. “Measuring Chinese psychological well-being with Western developed instruments.” Journal of Personality Assessment 79(3): 492-511.


15.  Zhang, Jie, Shuhua Jia, William F. Wieczorek, and Chao Jiang.  2002a. “An overview of suicide research in China.” Archives of Suicide Research 6: 167-184. PMCID: PMC2913725.


16.  Zhang, Jie, William F. Wieczorek, Chao Jiang, Li Zhou, Shuhua Jia, Yueji Sun, Shenghua Jin, and Yeates Conwell. 2002b. “Studying suicide with psychological autopsy: Social and cultural feasibilities of the methodology in China.” Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior 32 (4): 370-379. PMCID: PMC2730493.


17.  Jiang, Chao, Shuhua Jia, Yueji Sun, and Jie Zhang. 2002. “The Application of Psychological Autopsy.” Journal of Clinical Psychological Medicine [临床精神医学杂志], 12 (3): 166-168. (in Chinese)


18.  Zhang, Jie, Yeates Conwell, William F. Wieczorek, Chao Jiang, Shuhua Jia, and Li Zhou. (2003). “Studying Chinese suicide with proxy-based data: Reliability and validity of the methodology and instruments in China.” The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 191(7): 450-457. PMCID: PMC2758605.


19.  Zhang, Jie, Yeates Conwell, Li Zhou, & Chao Jiang. (2004). Cultural, Risk Factors and Suicide in Rural China: A Psychological Autopsy Case Control Study. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 110(6): 430-437. PMCID: PMC2730492.


20.  Zhang, Jie, Huiqi Tong, and Li Zhou. (2005). The Effect of Bereavement due to Suicide on Survivors’ Depression: A Study of Chinese Samples. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 51(3): 217-227. PMCID: PMC2931588.


21.  Hu, Dongmei, Chao Jiang, Qigui Liu, Yueji Sun, Shuhua Jia, Li Zhou, and Jie Zhang. (2005). A Psychological Autopsy Study on Rural Suicides Using Conditional Logistic Regression Model. Chinese Mental Health Journal [中国心理卫生杂志], 19(2): 131-133. (in Chinese)


22.  Zhang Jie. (2005). Conceptualizing a Strain Theory of Suicide. Chinese Mental Health Journal [中国心理卫生杂志], 19(11): 778-782. (in Chinese)

张杰. 2005. "自杀的压力不协调理论初探." 中国心理卫生杂志 19:778-782.


23.  Zhang, Jie, Shuhua Jia, Chao Jiang, & Jie Sun. (2006). Characteristics of Chinese Suicide Attempters: An Emergency Room Study. Death Studies, 30(3): 259-268. PMCID: PMC2730494.


24.  Zhang, Jie, & Zhenshao Song. (2006). A Preliminary Test of the Strain Theory of Suicide. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science, 15(6): 487-489. (in Chinese)

张杰 and 宋振韶. 2006. "自杀压力不协调理论的初步验证." 中国行为医学科学 15:487-489.


25.  Zhou, Li, Chao Jiang, Jie Zhang, Yue Ji Sun, Shu Hua Jia, Qi Gui Liu, Lan Shu Jiang, and Dong Mei Hu. 2006. "The Applicability of Psychological Autopsy for Suicide Research in China." Chinese Mental Health Journal, 20(1):19-22.  (in Chinese)

周莉, 姜潮, 张杰, 孙月吉, 贾树华, 刘启贵, 姜兰妹, and 胡冬梅. 2006. "心理解剖在中国自杀研究中应用的可行性." 中国心理卫生杂志 20(1):19-22.


26.  Zhang, Jie and Gregory K Brown 2007 "Psychometric Properties of the Scale for Suicide Ideation in China." Archives of Suicide Research 11, 2: 203-210. PMCID: PMC3210860.


27.  Zhang, Jie, Jill M. Norvilitis, & Travis Sky Ingersoll. 2007. Idiocentrism, Allocentrism, Psychological Well Being and Suicidal Ideation: A Cross Cultural Study. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 55(2): 135-148.


28.  Zhang, Jie, Le Fang, & Li Zhou. 2007. Comparing Depression Levels between Relatives and Friends of Suicide. Chinese Journal of Public Health, 23(5): 549-551. (in Chinese)  

张杰, 方乐, and 周莉. 2007. "自杀者亲友与其对照亲友的抑郁比较研究." 中国公共卫生 23:549-551.


29.  Zhang, Jie, and Huilan Xu. 2007. Degree of Suicide Intent and the Lethality of Means Employed: A Study of Chinese Attempters. Archives of Suicide Research 11 (4):343 – 350. PMCID: PMC3210858.


30.  Zhang, Jie, and Cun Xian Jia. 2007. Validating a short version of the suicide intent scale in China. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 55 (4):255-265. PMCID: PMC3206320.  


31.   Zhang, Jie, and Huilan Xu. 2007. The effects of religion, superstition, and perceived gender inequality on the degree of suicide intent: A study of serious attempters in China. Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, 55 (3):185-197. PMCID: PMC3205909.  


32.  Zhang, Jie, and Ning Li. 2007. A case-control study on marriage and love affair related life events of completed suicide in rural Chinese women. Chinese Mental Health Journal 21 (9):626-629 (in Chinese).  

张杰 and 李宁. 2007. "自杀死亡女性婚恋生活事件的病例对照研究." 中国心理卫生杂志 21:626-629.


33.  Kong, Yuanyuan, Jie Zhang, Shuhua Jia, and Li Zhou. 2007. Reliability and Validity of the Beck Hopelessness Scale for Adolescents. Chinese Mental Health Journal  21 (10):686-689 (in Chinese).  

孔媛媛,张杰,贾树华,周莉. 2007. "Beck 绝望量表中文版在青少年中使用的信度和效度." 中国心理卫生杂志 10:686-689.


34.  Zhang, Jie, and Zhen-Shao Song. 2007. Evaluation of the Scale for Suicide Ideation in Chinese High School Students to Study Its Reliability and Validity. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 17 (6):367-368 (in Chinese).  

张杰 and 宋振韶. 2007. "自杀意向量表在中国高中生中的评估信度和效度研究." 临床精神医学杂志 17:367-368.


35.  Zhang, Jie, Yuanyuan Kong, and Li Zhou. 2007. Attitudes towards Suicide among Rural Chinese in Dalian Areas. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medical Science, 16 (11):1013-1015 (in Chinese).  

张杰, 孔媛媛, and 周莉. 2007. "大连市部分地区农村人群的自杀态度分析." 中国行为医学科学 16:1013-1015.


36.  Zhang, Jie, and David Lester. 2008. Psychological Tensions Found in Suicide Notes: A Test for the Strain Theory of Suicide. Archives of Suicide Research 12 (1):67-73.  


37.  Norvilitis, Jill M., Travis Ingersoll, Jie Zhang, and Shuhua Jia. 2008. Self-Reported Symptoms of ADHD Among College Students in China and the United States. Journal of Attention Disorders 11 (5):558-567.


38.  Ingersoll, Travis S., Jill M. Norvilitis, Jie Zhang, Shuhua Jia, and Sheldon Tetewsky. 2008. "Reliability and Validity of the Fear of Intimacy Scale in China." Journal of Personality Assessment 90:270 - 279.


39.  Zhang, Jie, Nini Dong, Robert Delprino, and Li Zhou. 2009. "Psychological Strains Found from in-Depth Interviews with 105 Chinese Rural Youth Suicides." Archives of Suicide Research 13(2): 185 - 94. PMCID: PMC2715851. 


40.  Zhang, Jie. 2009. “Sociology as a Science.” Hebei Academic Journal  29(3):113-116 (in Chinese).  

张杰. 2009. "作为科学的社会学." 河北学刊 29:113-116.


41.  Zhang, Jie. 2009. “Sociology as a Science.” Digested Information Center for Social Sciences RUC: Sociology  C4 12.(in Chinese).  

张杰. 2009. "作为科学思考的社会学." 中国人民大学书报资料中心转载期刊:社会学 C4.


42.  Zhang, Jie. 2009. "Sociology as a Science and Its Future." Xinhua Digest 18:159 (in Chinese). 

张杰. 2009. "社会学的科学研究及其未来." 新华文摘 438:159.


43.  Zhang, Jie, Yuanyuan Kong, and Li Zhou. 2009. Reliability and Validity of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale in Rural Populations. Chinese Journal of Behavioral Medicine and Brain Science 18 (4):372-374 (in Chinese).  

张杰, 孔媛媛, and 周莉. 2009. "流调中心抑郁水平评定量表在农村人群测量的信效度评价." 中华行为医学与脑科学杂志 18:372-374.


44.  Zhang, Jie, and Liang Zhou. 2009. A Case Control Study of Suicides in China with and Without Mental Disorder. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 30(2):68-72. PMCID: PMC3229198.  


45.  Zhang, Jie, Dwight Hennessy, Jing Luo, Yaping Song, Kailin Ren, Qian Zhang, Zhifang Han, and Ping Yao. 2009. Are Women in China Sexist Toward Other Women? A Study of Chinese College Students. Psychological Reports 105: 267-74.  


46.  Norvilitis, Jill M. and Jie Zhang. 2009. "The effect of perceived class mean on the evaluation of instruction." Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability 21:299-311.


47.  Zhang, Jie. 2009. "Social Reference Theory: A Preliminary Conceptualization in Sociology." Study and Practice 10:138-143 (in Chinese).  

张杰. 2009. “社会参照论:一个初步的社会学分析." 学习与实践 10:138-143.


48.  Zhang, Jie and Yong Tang. 2009. "Strain and Suicide: An Analysis of 155 Suicide Cases." Chinese Mental Health Journal [中国心理卫生杂志] 23(11): 784-789. 

张杰 and 唐勇. 2009. "压力不协调与自杀:从155个案例看扭力体验." 中国心理卫生杂志 23:784-789.


49.  Zhang, Jie, William F. Wieczorek, Yeates Conwell, Xin Ming Tu, Bill Yow Wu Wu, Shuiyuan Xiao, and Cun Xian Jia. 2010. "Characteristics of young rural Chinese suicides: a psychological autopsy study." Psychological Medicine 40:581-589. doi:10.1017/S0033291709990808 PMCID: PMC2996472.  


50.  Zhang, Jie, Bin Liang, Yong  Zhou, and Wendy Brame. 2010. "Prison Inmates’ Suicidal Ideation in China: A Study of Gender Differences and Their Impact." International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology 54(6):959-983. 


51.  Zhang, Jie, Jixiang Ma, Chongqi Jia, Jiandong Sun, Xiaolei Guo, A. Xu, and Weika Li. 2010. "Economic growth and suicide rate changes: A case in China from 1982 to 2005." European Psychiatry 25(3):159-163. Epub 2009 Nov 18. doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2009.07.013. 


52.  Norvilitis, Jill M, Ling Sun, and Jie Zhang. 2010. "ADHD Symptomatology and Adjustment to College in China and the United States." Journal of Learning Disabilities 43:86-94.


53.  Li, Ning and Jie Zhang. 2010. "Influencing factors for depression among Chinese suicide survivors." Psychiatry Research 178: 97-100. PMCID: PMC2914166. 


54.  Zhang, Jie. 2010. "Marriage and Suicide among Chinese Rural Young Women." Social Forces (89)1: 311-326. 


55.   Zhang, Jie and Cun Xian Jia. 2010. "Attitudes toward Suicide: The Effect of Suicide Death in the Family." Omega: Journal of Death and Dying 60:365-382. PMCID: PMC3206312.  


56.  Kong, Yuanyuan and Jie Zhang. 2010. "Access to Farming Pesticides and Risk for Suicide in Chinese Rural Young People." Psychiatry Research 179: 217–221. PMCID: PMC2925062.


57.  Zhang, Jie, Shuiyuan Xiao, and Liang Zhou. 2010. "Mental Disorders and Suicide among Young Rural Chinese: A Case-Control Psychological Autopsy Study." American Journal of Psychiatry 167:773-781. PMCID: PMC3210861.


58.  Volinn, Ernest, Bangxiang Yang, Jing He, Xiaoming Sheng, Jian Ying, Weining Volinn, Jie Zhang, and Yunxia Zuo. 2010. "West China Hospital Set of Measures in Chinese to Evaluate Back Pain Treatment." Pain Medicine 11: 637–647.


59.  Zhang, Jie, Yuyu Wang, and Shasha Liu. 2010. "Perfectionism and Depression among College Students. Innovation 2010:111-115. ( )

张杰,王聿聿,刘莎莎. 2010. “大学生的完美性格与抑郁情绪.” 创新 2010:111-115.


60.  Zhang, Jie. 2010. Suicide and Justice: A Chinese Perspective by Wu Fei. Book Review. The China Quarterly. 202 (June): 455-456.


61.  Fang, Le and Jie Zhang. 2010. Validity of Proxy Data Obtained by Different Psychological Autopsy Information Reconstruction Techniques. The Journal of International Medical Research 38(3): 833-843.


62.  Zhang, Jie, Chen Li, Adam Smithson, Ethan Spann, and Fang Ruan. 2010. "Culture and Importance of Backgrounds: A Cross-cultural Study of Photograph Taking." Psychological Reports 107(2):603-606.  


63.  Jing, Jun, Xueya Wu, and Jie Zhang. 2010. "Research on the Migration of Rural Women and the Decline of Chinese Suicide Rate." China Agricultural University Journal of Social Sciences Edition 27(4): 20-31. 

景军,吴学雅,张杰. 2010. "农村女性的迁移与中国自杀率的下降". 中国农业大学学报(社会科学版)27(4)20-31.


64.  Zhang, Jie, Virginia E. Grabiner, Yong Zhou, and Ning Li. 2010. "Suicidal Ideation and Its Correlates in Prisoners: A Comparative Study in China." Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention 31(6):335-342.


65.  Zhang, Jie, Ning Li, Xin-Ming Tu, Shuiyuan Xiao, and Cun Xian Jia. 2011. "Risk factors for rural young suicide in China: A case-control study." Journal of Affective Disorders 129(2011):244-251. PMCID: PMC3039084.


66.   Zhang, Jie and Cun Xian Jia. 2011. "Suicidal Intent among Young Suicides in Rural China." Archives of Suicide Research 15:127-139. PMCID: PMC3211068.


67.   Jia, Cun Xian, and Jie Zhang. 2011. "Characteristics of Young Suicides by Violent Methods in Rural China." Journal of Forensic Sciences 56(3):674-78. PMCID: PMC3210859.


68.  Zhang, Jie and Li Zhou. 2011. "Suicidal Ideation, Plans, and Attempts Among Rural Young Chinese: The Effect of Suicide Death by a Family Member or Friend." Community Mental Health Journal 47:506-512. PMCID: PMC3021797.


69.  Kong, Yuanyuan and Jie Zhang. 2011. "Psychological Autopsy Study of Gender Specific Psychological Characteristics of Rural Young Suicides." Chinese Mental Health Journal 25:302-307.

孔媛媛,张杰. 2011. 农村青年男女自杀死亡者心理状态和心理特征的心理解剖研究. 中国心理卫生杂志. 25(4): 302-307.


70.   Zhang, Jie and Ziyao Li. 2011. "Suicide Means Used by Chinese Rural Youths: A Comparison Between Those With and Without Mental Disorders." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 199:410-415. PMCID: PMC3205915.


71.  Zhang, Jie, William F. Wieczorek, Yeates Conwell, and Xin Ming Tu. 2011. "Psychological strains and youth suicide in rural China." Social Science & Medicine 72:2003-2010. PMCID: PMC3117917.


72.  Gao, Qi, Jie Zhang, and Cunxian Jia. 2011. "Psychometric properties of the Dickman Impulsivity Instrument in suicide victims and living controls of rural China." Journal of Affective Disorders 132:368-374. PMCID: PMC3137672.


73.  Zhang, Jie, Qi Gao, and Cun Xian Jia. 2011. "Seasonality of Chinese rural young suicide and its correlates." Journal of Affective Disorders 134:356-364.  PMCID: PMC3170492.


74.  Jing, Jun, Jie Zhang, and Xueya Wu. 2011. "Suicide among the Elderly People in Urban China." Population Research 35:84-96.  

景军, 张杰, and 吴学雅. 2011. "中国城市老人自杀问题分析." 人口研究 35:84-96.


75.  Zhang, Jie, Jun Jing, Xueya Wu, Weiwei Sun, and Cuntong Wang. 2011. "A Sociological Analysis of the Decline in the Suicide Rate in China." Social Sciences in China 2011:97-113.  

张杰, 景军, 吴学雅, 孙薇薇, and 王存同. 2011. "中国自杀率下降趋势的社会学分析." 中国社会科学 2011:97-113.


76.  Kong, Yuan Yuan and Jie Zhang. 2011. "Comparison of suicidal behavior characteristics between rural young male and female completed suicides." Chinese Journal of Public Health 27:1102-1104.

孔媛媛, 张杰. 2011. "农村青年男女自杀死亡者自杀行为特征比较." 中国公共卫生 27:1102-1104.


77.  Zhang, Jie and Qi Gao. 2012. "Validation of the Trait Anxiety Scale for State-Trait Anxiety Inventory in Suicide Victims and Living Controls of Chinese Rural Youths." Archives of Suicide Research 16:85-94.


78.  Yan, Shengming, Jie Zhang, and Lin Zhao. 2012. "Suicides in A Dream of Red Mansions: A Perspective of the Strain Theory of Suicide." Journal of Shandong University (Philosophy and Social Sciences) 2012:139-147.  

鄢盛明, 张杰, 赵琳. 2012. "对《红楼梦》中自杀案例的解读 —— 一种自杀的压力不协调理论的视角." 山东大学学报 哲学社会科学版 2012:139-147.


79.  Jia, Cun-Xian and Jie Zhang. 2012. "Global Functioning and Suicide among Chinese Rural Population Aged 15–34 Years: A Psychological Autopsy Case-Control Study" Journal of Forensic Sciences 57:391-397.


80.  Zhang, Jie, Rui Zhou, and Chao Song. 2012. "Characteristics of Suicide Attempters from an Emergency Room in a Seven Year Period." Chinese Journal of Emergency Medicine 21:53-56.

张杰, 周锐, 宋超. 2012. "某医院急救中心7年间自杀未遂者特征分析." 中华急诊医学杂志 21:53-56.


81.  Zhang, Jie, Ziyao Li, Shuiyuan Xiao, Liang Zhou, Cun Xian Jia, and Guowei Pan. 2012. "Mental disorder and suicide among youths in rural Chinaa case control study based on consecutive samples from HunanLiaoning and Shandong provinces." Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 33:588-592. (in Chinese)

张杰, 李子尧, 肖水源, 周亮, 贾存显, 潘国伟. 2012. "精神疾病与农村青年自杀:湖南、辽宁、山东省病例对照抽样调查." 中华流行病学杂志 33:588-592.


82.  Zhang, Jie and Eric Yang Liu. 2012. "Confucianism and Youth Suicide in Rural China." Review of Religious Research: The Official Journal of the Religious Research Association 54:93-111.


83.  Zhang, Jie and Eric Yang Liu. 2012. "The Confucian Ethic of Female Subordination and Depression among Young People in Rural China." Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion 8:1-12.


84.  Zhang, Jie and Zhenyu Ma. 2012. "Patterns of life events preceding the suicide in rural young Chinese: A case control study." Journal of Affective Disorders 140:161-167.


85.  Duan, Zhongping, Yuanyuan Kong, Jie Zhang, and Huimin Guo. 2012. "Psychological comorbidities in Chinese patients with acute-on-chronic liver failure." General Hospital Psychiatry 34:276-281.


86.  Fang, Le, Marnin J. Heisel, Paul R. Duberstein, and Jie Zhang. 2012. "Combined effects of neuroticism and extraversion: findings from a matched case control study of suicide in rural China." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 200:598-602.


87.  Fang, Le and Jie Zhang. 2012. "Suicidal characteristic-clusters for rural young victims aged 15 - 34 in three provinces, China: a case control study." Chinese Journal of Epidemiology 33:286-290. (in Chinese)

方乐, 张杰. 2012. "中国 3 省农村地区 1534 岁青年自杀死亡特征群病例对照研究." 中华流行病学杂志 33:286-290.


88.  Jia, Cun-Xian and Jie Zhang. 2012. "Psychometric Characteristics of the Duke Social Support Index in a Young Rural Chinese Population." Death Studies 36:858-869.


89.  Zhang, Jie and Cuntong Wang. 2012. "Factors in the Neighborhood as Risks of Suicide in Rural China: A Multilevel Analysis." Community Mental Health Journal 48:627-633.


90.  Li, Ziyao and Jie Zhang. 2012. "Coping Skills, Mental Disorders, and Suicide among Rural Youths in China." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 200:885-890.


91.  Zhang, Jie, Weiwei Sun, Yuanyuan Kong, and Cuntong Wang. 2012. "Reliability and validity of the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale in 2 special adult samples from rural China." Comprehensive Psychiatry 53:1243-1251.


92.  Zhang, Jie, Le Fang, Yow-Wu B. Wu, and William F. Wieczorek. 2013. "Depression, Anxiety, and Suicidal Ideation among Chinese Americans: A Study of Immigration-Related Factors." The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 201:17-22.


93.  Zhang, Jie, Dorian A. Lamis, and Kong Yuanyuan. 2012. "Measuring Chinese Psychological Traits and Social Support With Western Developed Instruments in Psychological Autopsy Studies." Journal of Clinical Psychology 68:1313-1321.


94.  Zhang, Jie and Xiangguang Zhang. 2013. "Chinese college students’ SCL-90 scores and their relations to the college performance." Asian Journal of Psychiatry 6:134-140.


95.  Zhang, Jie and Fengchao Yue. 2013. "Relative Benefits in International Cooperation: The Judgment of Benefit and Cooperation." Journal of Dalian University 35:1-4.

张杰, 岳凤超. 2013. "国际合作中的相对收益问题探析: 收益的价值判定与国际合作." 大连大学学报 35:1-4.


96.  Zhang, Jie. 2013. "Reference and Perception: Towards a Social Relativism Perspective." Theory in Action 6:148-173.


97.  Zhang, Jie, Jiandan Tan, and David Lester. 2013. "Psychological strains found in the suicides of 72 celebrities." Journal of Affective Disorders 149:230-234.


98.  Liu, Yuxin, Jianwei Zhang, Xichao Zhang, Chengquan Wang, and Jie Zhang. 2013. "The Mechanism of New Generation Employees’ Suicide Ideation." Advances in Psychological Science 21:1150–1161.

刘玉新, 张建卫, 张西超, 王成全, 张杰. 2013. "新生代员工自杀意念的产生机理." 心理科学进展 21:1150–1161.


99.  Zhang, Jie, David Lester, Sibo Zhao, and Chengchao Zhou. 2013. "Suicidal Ideation and Its Correlates: Testing the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide in Chinese Students." Archives of Suicide Research 17:236-241.

