List of Publications and Conference Presentations

My conference presentations and publications are listed below.


Silverman, Deborah Anders. Polish-American Folklore. 427 pages. Urbana, IL: University of Illinois Press, 2000.

Book Chapters

Silverman, Deborah. "Dyngus Day in Polish-American Communities." Usable Pasts. Ed. Tad Tuleja. Utah State University Press, 1007. 68-95.

Silverman, Deborah. "Setting the Mood: An Analysis of the Music of General Hospital and As the World Turns." Life on Daytime Television: Tuning-In American Serial Drama. Eds. Mary Cassata and Thomas Skill. Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1983. 101-124.

Publications in Refereed Journals

Silverman, Deborah. "Organ Donation Awareness Campaigns in the PR Campaigns Course." Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 61 (2007): 411-429.

Silverman, Deborah. "Dyngus Day." Encyclopedia of New York State, 2005.

Silverman, Deborah. "'Nature versus Nurture' and the Role of Geography in Shaping Popular Culture: An Introduction." The Mid-Atlantic Almanack 9 (2000): 75-77.

Silverman, Deborah. "Pierogi, But No Kielbasa: Ethnic Identity in the Polish-American Christmas Eve Supper." The Mid-Atlantic Almanack 7 (1998): 29-38.

Silverman, Deborah. "Dyngus Days and Koledy Nights: Folk Celebrations in Polish-American Communities." New York Folklore 23 (1997): 25-38.

Silverman, Deborah. "Coppola, Cavalleria, and Connick: Musical Contributions to Epic in The Godfather, Part III." The Mid-Atlantic Almanack 1 (1992): 26-40.

Other Publications

Silverman, Deborah and Paterson, Jeff. Diversity in Public Relations: Tips for Communicating with Diverse Publics. Public Relations Society of America, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter, March 2007.

Silverman, Deborah. "Diversity in Public Relations: A Position Paper." Public Relations Society of America, Buffalo-Niagara Chapter, approved July 28, 2006.

Silverman, Deborah. "The Net, PR, and Academe: Are University Web Sites Making the Grade?" PRSA Counselors to Higher Education 2006 Monograph Series, September 2006.

Silverman, Deborah. "Rethinking AP Style." Letter to the Editor, The Public Relations Strategist, Spring 2006. New York: Public Relations Society of America, p. 43.

Silverman, Deborah and Malchow, Rebecca. The Economic Impact of the University at Buffalo on the Region and the State. Buffalo, NY: University at Buffalo, 2002.

"Hillary Rodham Clinton's Public Image." What Do You Think? Interview with PR Practitioners, PR Tactics, December 1996.

Invited Presentations

"College and University Public Relations Practitioners' Use of the World Wide Web," Counselors to Higher Education National Conference, Public Relations Society of America, Washington, DC, April 20, 2006.

"The Economic Impact Report of the University at Buffalo," Economic Impact Symposium, The State University of New York, Albany, NY, December 11, 2002.

Papers Presented

"Communicating about Organ Donation in the PR Campaigns Course," National Communication Association annual meeting, Boston, MA, November 18, 2005.

"Making the Grade Online: University Public Relations Practitioners' Use of the World Wide Web," National Communication Association annual meeting, Chicago, IL, November 13, 2004.

"Reaching Key Publics Online," accepted for presentation at the Association for Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication annual meeting, Toronto, Ontario, August 6, 2004.

"University Economic Impact Reports: The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly," Counselors to Higher Education National Conference, Public Relations Society of America, Philadelphia, PA, April 26, 2002.

"Polka People, Parties, and the Pope: Music in Polish-American Celebrations," Popular Culture Association annual meeting, Orlando, FL, April 11, 1998.

"From Cracow to Chicago: Polish-American Folk Music," American Folklore Society annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, October 20, 1996.

"Polish-American Folk Music," Public Lecture, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, April 9, 1996; and "Pierogi, Kielbasa, and Other Symbols of Ethnicity: Polish-American Foodways," Five College Faculty Seminar in Folklore, Amherst College, Massachusetts, April 10, 1996; visit sponsored by University of Massachusetts Soviet and East European Studies Program.

"The Creation of Ethnic Identity Through Folklore in Buffalo's Polish-American Community," Milton Plesur Graduate History Conference, University at Buffalo, March 25, 1995.

"Koledy Nights and Dyngus Day Parties: Folklore in Polish-American Communities," Modern Language Association annual meeting, Toronto, Ontario, December 28, 1993.

"Dyngus Day and Polka Masses: Folklore in Polish-American Communities." Presented at Folklore/Folk Culture/Material Culture Panel which I chaired, Popular Culture Association annual meeting, Louisville, KY, March 19, 1992.

"Coppola, Cavalleria, and Connick: Musical Contributions to Epic in The Godfather, Part III." Presented as part of Film Panel, Mid-Atlantic Popular Culture Association annual meeting, Buffalo, NY, November 1, 1991.

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