As you know, WWW resources are very dynamic. If you encounter problems with the links or sites, please let us know so we can make adjustments. Thank you.
Cafe Boliviano. History, tourism, arts, music, news,
sports, maps, and links to numerous sites that deal with similar aspects
of Bolivia.
BoliviaWeb. A very comprehensive gateway site that serves
to link the user with scores of company web sites and resource information
from around the world. A valuable starting point for research on
this country.
World Encyclopedia. Intends to "Eradicate conflict by increasing cultural
awareness." They offer a quick overview of Bolivia including weather,
economy, flag, geography, government data, and maps. Search for other
countries at the main site.
Bolivia Business On Line. The number one business and tourism
Web Site in Bolivia where you will find the most complete in depth information
about Bolivia's business environment, its vast touristic wonders, and a picture
gallery that is worth more than one visit.
Lonely Planet's Destination Bolivia. Includes brief discussion of culture,
history, economics, travel, activities, etc.
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