Christopher M. Pennuto


Department of Biology & Great Lakes Center

Buffalo State College, Buffalo, NY 14222

Phone: 716.878.4105; e-mail:



Ph.D., 1994, University of Kansas, Systematics and Ecology (Aquatic Ecology).  Dissertation title:

Acidification effects on stream macroinvertebrates: behavioral, physiological, and community level responses.

M.S., 1988, North Dakota State University, Zoology.  Thesis title: Habitat ecology, distribution, and

economic value of the ribbon leech, Nephelopsis obscura, in North Dakota.

B.S., 1984, Iowa State University, Fisheries and Wildlife Biology.


Research Interests

predator/prey behavioral ecology, aquatic invasive species, mercury cycling, winter stream dynamics, nutrient stoichiometry


Academic appointments

Professor, 2010-present. Biology Dept. & Great Lakes Center, Buffalo State College

Associate Professor and Research Scientist, 2003-2010, Biology Dept. & Great Lakes Center, Buffalo State College

Associate Professor, 2002-2003, Environmental Science & Policy Program, University of Southern Maine  

Visiting Associate Professor, 2001-2002, Biology Department, University of Cincinnati

Assistant Professor, 1995–2001, Environmental Science & Policy Program, University of Southern Maine

Visiting Assistant Professor, 1994-1995, Environmental Studies Program, University of Kansas


Other Professional Experience

        Research Assistant, United States Geological Survey.  Aquatic insect identification for region-wide

                assessment of atrazine impacts in Midwest stream systems.  6/93-10/93.

Research Assistant, Environmental Protection Agency.  Survey of environmental mitigation for Region 7 construction projects: an assessment. 1/93-9/93.

Research Assistant, Kansas Department of Health and the Environment.  Lone Star Lake post-dredging limnological assessment.  6/91-6/92.

        Research Assistant, Kansas Biological Survey.  Pesticide effects on aquatic insects in replicated

                mesocosms. 9/88-5/89.

Natural Resource Specialist II, Wisconsin Dept. of Natural Resources.  Coverage and biomass

        fluctuations of benthic algae in an experimentally acidified lake.  5/88-9/88.

Research Assistant, North Dakota Water Resources Research Institute.  Canadian concerns regarding

        the Garrison Diversion Project in North Dakota.  4/87-8/87. 

Animal Damage Controller, USFWS, Northern Prairie Wildlife Research Center.  Strychnine feasibility to control duck egg predation by Franklin ground squirrels in central North Dakota.  6/86-9/86.

        Biologist Aide, Iowa DNR, Fairport Hatchery.  Bass/bluegill propagation. 6/83-9/83.


Courses Taught

Primary Instructor                                                                   Teaching Assistant

Fundamentals of Environmental Science (w/ lab)              Invertebrate Zoology

Environmental Biology                                                          Advanced Invertebrate Zoology

Field Ecology (w/ lab)                                                             Diversity of Life

Wetland Ecology                                                                      Methods of Field Analysis

Methods of Field Analysis (w/ lab)                                   Vertebrate Zoology

Water Quality Assessment & Control (w/ lab)             Environmental Impact Assessment

Limnology (w/ lab)                                                                  Human Anatomy & Physiology

Disturbance Ecology Seminar

Freshwater Macroinvertebrate Ecology Seminar

Research Methods (w/ lab)

Stream Ecology (w/ lab)

Stream Hydrology

Introduction to Ecology, Evolution & Behavior (w/ lab)

Aquatic Entomology (w/ lab)


Teaching Honors

Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award Nominee; 1991, 1993, and 1994; U. of Kansas.

Emerging Teacher/Scholar Award, University of Southern Maine, College of Arts and Sciences, 1999.


University and Professional Service

Student judge, International Association of Great Lakes Research annual meeting, 2009, 2008, 2006

Student judge, Great Lakes Research Consortium, Syracuse, NY, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2005, 2004

Steering Committee, Western NY PRISM, 2007-present

Chair, Biology Graduate Committee, Buffalo State College, 2003-2005; 2006-2009

Graduate Advisory Council, Buffalo State College, 2006-present

Co-Advisor, Biology Club, Buffalo State College, 2006-present

Advisor, Native American Student Organization, Buffalo State College, 2006-present

Co-Organizer, Aquatic Invasive Species in the Great Lakes, IAGLR annual meeting, Toledo, OH, 2009

Advisory Board, McNair Scholars Program, Buffalo State College, 2004-2008

Search Committee, Watershed Biogeochemist, BSC, 2008

Member, Council on Campus Equity & Diversity, Buffalo State College, 2005-2006

Member, Commencement Committee, Buffalo State College, 2004-2005

Board member, Grand Island Conservation Commission, 2005-2007

Search Committee, Plant Ecologist, BSC, 2007

Board of Directors, BioDiversity Research Institute, 1996-2005

Associate Editor, Journal of the North American Benthological Society (JNABS), 2001-2005

Student judge, North American Benthological Society annual meetings, 2003, 2000, 1999, 1998

Faculty Professional Development Committee, University of Southern Maine, 1999-2001

Dean’s Scholarship Committee, University of Southern Maine, 1999

Steering Committee, Casco Bay Wetland Inventory, Casco Bay Estuary Project, 1998-2001

Faculty Senate, College of Arts & Sciences Representative, 1997-2001

Session Chair, Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Keystone, CO, 2000

Curriculum Review Committee, College of Arts & Sciences, 1995-96

Session Chair, Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Providence, R.I., 1996   

Session Chair, Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Duluth, MN, 1999

Steering Committee, Ecology, Northern New England NAWQA, U.S. Geological Survey, 1996-1999

Laboratory Safety Coordinator, ES&P, University of Southern Maine, 1995-2001

Equipment Committee Chair, ES&P, University of Southern Maine, 1995-2001

Search Committee Member (2 searches), ES&P, University of Southern Maine, 1996

Search Committee Chair, ES&P Director, University of Southern Maine, 1998

Workshop: Macroinvertebrate Identification, November 1995, Southern Maine Technical College.

Upward Bound at USM presenter, “River sampling”, Summer 1996, 2000

Maine Envirothon presenter, “Wetland identification”, Spring 2000

Consultant and Board of Directors, Presumpscot River Watch (citizen volunteer conservation group)

Reviewer: Aquatic Ecology

Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology


Journal of Insect Behavior

Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society

                    Journal of the North American Benthological Society

Northeastern Naturalist

                    Southwestern Naturalist

                    Journal of Great Lakes Research

    National Science Foundation: Hydrologic Sciences Panel, CCLI Panel, Biological Infrastructure Panel, UMEB Panel

                   Great Lakes Research Consortium Small Grants Program


Grants and Awards

        EPA, GLNPO. Pending. “The Lake Erie nearshore and offshore nutrient study (LENONS).” $615,813. Pennuto (PI) with 9 co-PIs from 4 other institutions.

        NSF, DBI, REU. Pending. “REU Site: Research in the Great Lakes ecosystem: from genes to landscapes.” $566,401. Pennuto (PI) with A. McMillan (Co-PI) and 9 investigators.

        EPA, GLNPO. 2009-2010. “The Nearshore/Offshore Lake Erie Nutrient Study (NOLENS).” $150,000. Pennuto (PI), with 8 co-PI’s from 5 institutions.

        NY DEC, 2008-2009. “Lake Ontario Nearshore Nutrient Study (L.O.N.N.).” Sub-contract through

                SUNY Brockport. $57,200. Pennuto (Co-PI) with 4 others from 4 institutions, J. Makarewicz, SUNY Brockport as overall PI.

SENES Consulting, Ltd, 2008-2009. “Verification of Cladophora biomass near the FitzPatrick nuclear power facility, Lake Ontario.” $55,460. Pennuto (PI). (contract)

NSF, DBI. 2007-2011. “URM: The watershed as a model for training minority undergraduate Biology majors for graduate careers.” $721,181. Pennuto (PI) with 11 co-PIs from Buffalo State College.

NOAA, NY Sea Grant, 2007-2009. “Assessing barriers to round goby migration into Great Lake tributary streams.” $89,300. Pennuto (PI)

BSC Provost Incentive Grant, 2005-2006, “Assessing effects of round gobies on tributary streams of eastern Lake Erie.”, $5,700.  

BSC Provost Incentive Grant. 2004-2005. “Assessing emerging aquatic insects as contaminant vectors.” $750.

New York Great Lakes Protection Fund.  2003-2004. “Aquatic-terrestrial metal flux: assessing emerging aquatic insects as contaminant vectors in the Buffalo River watershed, a New York Area of Concern.” $10,000. Pennuto (PI) with W. Gall (contributor)

National Science Foundation, DUE-CCLI. 2002-04. “Cohort and problem-based learning in an undergraduate Environmental Science curriculum.”  $91,212. Pennuto (PI) with 3 Co-PI from University of Southern Maine.

USM R&D Program. 2001-02. C. Pennuto (PI).  “The role of organic matter quality and deposit-feeder resource ratios in controlling nutrient release from lake sediments”.  $31,600.

Maine Office of Nuclear Safety, 2000-2001. “The Eaton Farm radionuclide and sediment survey”. Co-PI with R. Perritt (USM). $20,000. contract awarded, but declined. 

Greater Portland Alliance of Colleges and Universities, 1999-2000, “Mercury in the Maine Environment: a Program planning proposal for a collaborative undergraduate research initiative at  St. Joseph’s College, the University of New England, and the University of Southern Maine. Co-PI with M. Green (St. Joe) and E. Saboski (UNE). $2,200.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection, 1999-2000. “Tannery Brook restoration and rehabilitation project”. Co-PI w/ Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District. $14,500.

Maine Department of Environmental Protection. 2000-2001. “Frost Gully monitoring and stormwater retrofit project”. Co-PI w/ Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District. $8,500.

Patagonia Foundation. 1999. “Dissolved oxygen analysis can enhance volunteer monitoring of water quality”. $2,000.

Casco Bay Estuary Project. 1998. “Incorporating dissolved oxygen measurements into citizen-volunteer monitoring”. $2,500.

USM Faculty Senate Research Award. 1997. “Can species interactions provide clues to water quality?: A look at commensalism between larvae of the midge, Nanocladius downesi and larvae of the fishfly, Nigronia serricornis”. $2,800.

USM Faculty Senate Research Award. 1996. “Flow characteristics and insect communities of streams in the Massabesic Experimental Forest”. $1,500.

KU General Research Fund. 1989-1990. “Alpine insect communities as indicators of acidification”.  Co-PI with deNoyelles (KU), $6,400.

Published Papers 

Pennuto, C.M. and M.L. Smith§. In review. Mercury biotransport in riparian zones near the Buffalo River Area of Concern (AOC). Environmental Pollution

Pennuto, C.M., P.J. Krakowiak§, and C.E. Janik*. In press. Diet, energy consumption, and seasonal abundance of round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) in Lake Erie, USA tributary streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish

Pennuto, C.M. 2009. Megaloptera (Alderflies, Dobsonflies). Pp 356-360, In: Likens, G.E. (editor), The Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Vol. 2.

Krakowiak, P.J. § and C.M. Pennuto. 2008. Fish and macroinvertebrate communities in tributary streams of Eastern Lake Erie with and without round gobies (Neogobius melanostomas, Pallas 1814). Journal of Great Lakes Research 34:675-689.

Pennuto, C.M. and D.A. Keppler§. 2008. Short-term predator avoidance behavior by invasive and native amphipods in the Great Lakes. Aquatic Ecology 42:629-641.

Riley, C. §, S. Inamdar, and C. Pennuto. 2007. Use of benthic macroinvertebrate indices to assess aquatic health in a mixed-landuse watershed. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 22:539-551.

Pennuto, C.M., O. Lane, D.C. Evers, R.J. Taylor, and J. Loukmas. 2005. Mercury in the northern crayfish, Orconectes virilis (Hagen), in New England, USA.  Ecotoxicology 14:149-162

Pennuto, C.M.  2003.  Seasonal differences in predator-prey behavior in experimental streams.  American Midland Naturalist 150:254-267.

Pennuto, C.M.  2003.  Population dynamics and intraspecific interactions of an ectosymbiotic midge from a river in southern Maine, USA.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 22:249-262.

Pennuto, C.M., C.A. Wooster-Brown*, and C.L. Belisle*. 2002.  Prevalence and infestation intensity of an ectosymbiotic midge under varying host and environmental conditions. Canadian Journal of Zoology 80:2061-2071.

Pennuto, C.M. and T.J. Stewart*. 2001.  Oviposition site preference and factors influencing egg mass characteristics of the saw-combed fishfly (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) in southern Maine.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16:209-217.

Pennuto, C.M. 2000.  Effects of larval density and movement behavior on emergence success of a midge commensal.  Aquatic Ecology 34:177-184.

Pennuto, C.M., T. Lee, F. Dillon*, A. Stilling, N. Wahien, and C. Thompson. 2000.  Deciphering rainfall-dependent effects on surface water bacteria counts.  Proceedings of the North American Environmental Professional 25:38-44.

Pennuto, C.M.  1998.  Seasonal position patterns and fate of a commensal chironomid on its fishfly host.  Journal of Freshwater Ecology 13:323-332.       

Pennuto, C.M., F. deNoyelles, Jr, M.A. Conrad, F.A. Vertucci, and S.L. Dewey.  1998.  Winter macroinvertebrate community structure in two montane Wyoming streams. Great Basin Naturalist 58:231-244.      

        Pennuto, C.M.  1997.  Incidence of chironomid phoretics on hellgrammites in streams of southern

        Maine.  Northeastern Naturalist. 5:77-85.

        Pennuto, C.M. and F. deNoyelles, Jr.  1993.  Behavioral responses of Drunella coloradensis

        (Ephemeroptera) nymphs to short term pH reductions. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic

        Sciences. 50:2692-2697.

        Pennuto, C.M. and M.G. Butler.  1993.  Distribution of the ribbon leech in North Dakota.  Prairie

        Naturalist. 25:109-118.

        Pennuto, C.M.  1989.  The bait leech Nephelopsis obscura in North Dakota: an economic assessment.

        Journal of North Dakota Farm Research. 47:21‑23.  

        §: graduate student; *: undergraduate student


Published Reports

Pennuto, C.M. 2008. Assessment of benthic algae in nearshore habitats near the FitzPatrick Nuclear Power Plant, Oswego, NY. SENES consulting final report. 28 pp.

Pennuto, C.M. 2002. Falmouth Foreside Woods Post-project Stream Macroinvertebrate Assessment. Boyles Associates, Inc. Final Report, 15 pp.

Pennuto, C.M. 2002. Frost Gully Brook Macroinvertebrate Bioassessment. Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District Final Report. 18 pp.

Pennuto, C.M. 2001. Tannery Brook Water Quality Baseline Study: Final Report. Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District Final Report. 23 pp.

Pennuto, C.M. 2001. Tannery Brook Water Quality Stormwater Study Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP). U.S. E.P.A. & Cumberland County Soil & Water Conservation District. 13 pp.

Pennuto, C.M., C. Beaupre*, D. Berg*, S. Dentico*, C. Elliot*, S. Moulen*, S. Peters*, T. Stewart*, C. Wooster-Brown*. 2000. A limnological investigation of Beaver Pond, Cumberland County, Westbrook, Maine.  A report to the City of Westbrook.  23 pp.

deNoyelles, F., Jr. and C.M. Pennuto. 1993. Interim report for Phase II: Mitigation and post-project

monitoring in Region VII.  EPA Misc. Publications. 54 pp.

deNoyelles, F., Jr. and C.M. Pennuto. 1993. Post-dredging assessment of Lone Star Lake, Douglas

        Co., KS. KS Biological Survey Report Number 57.


Papers and Posters Presented

Invited presentations

        Pennuto, C.M. 2009. Status and impacts of the round goby in the Great Lakes and contributing waters.  Aquatic Invasive Species in New York: an environmental forum. Buffalo, NY.

Pennuto, C.M. 2009. Round gobies in tributary streams: seasonal abundance, community effects, and upstream passage. SUNY Brockport, Biological Sciences Seminar series.

Pennuto, C.M., P.J. Krakowiak, and C.E. Janik. 2008. Seasonal abundance, diet, and summer energy consumption of round gobies (Neogobius melanostomas) in Lake Erie tributary streams. 15th Annual International Conference on the St. Lawrence River / Great Lakes, Cornwall, ONT.

Pennuto, C.M. 2008. Dynamics of insect ectosymbioses in streams of New England. University at Buffalo, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology seminar series.

Pennuto, C.M. 2006. Effects of the round goby on Lake Erie tributary streams. 4th Annual Millennium Conference, Windsor, ON.

Pennuto, C.M. 2005. Patterns in mercury availability in aquatic and riparian invertebrate food webs. University at Buffalo, Environmental Institute speaker series.

Pennuto, C.M.  2002.  Crayfish Hg databases: relationship with sediment and fish compartments.  NERC Mercury Assessment Conference, Cape Elizabeth, ME.

Pennuto, C.M., D.M. Evers, O. Lane, and B. Taylor.  2001.  Crayfish as indicators of mercury bioavailability: length/weight relationships. NERC Mercury Assessment Conference, Portland, ME.

Pennuto, C.M.  2001.  Dynamics of insect commensalism in streams of southern Maine. Department of Biology seminar series, University of Cincinnati, OH.

Pennuto, C.M.  1993.  Acidification effects on the behavior and physiology of montane aquatic insects.          Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, KS.


Remaining presentations

Young, B.T. and C.M. Pennuto. 2009. The role of environmental context and mutual predation in amphipod invasion success in the Great Lakes. The International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR) annual conference, May 18-22, Toledo, OH.

Rupprecht, S. and C.M. Pennuto. 2009. Assessing the swimming performance of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomas) and its implications for upstream migration in tributary streams and rivers.  IAGLR Annual conference, May 18-22, Toledo, OH.

Dong, N., and C. M. Pennuto. 2009. Effects of experience and age on predator avoidance behavior of crayfish in Lake Erie. IAGLR Annual conference, Toledo, OH.

Rupprecht, S. and C.M. Pennuto.  2009.  Assessing the swimming performance of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomas) in tributary streams and rivers.  Great Lakes Research Consortium Student/Faculty Conference. March 13-14, Syracuse, NY. Co-winner of best student oral presentation.

Dong, N., and C. M. Pennuto. 2009. Effects of experience on predator avoidance behavior of crayfish. Great Lakes Research Consortium Student Faculty Conference.  March 13-14, Syracuse, NY.  Co-winner of best student oral presentation.

Pennuto, C.M., P.J. Krakowiak, and C.E. Janik. 2008. Seasonal abundance and summer energy consumption by round gobies (Neogobius melanostomas) in Lake Erie tributary streams. IAGLR Annual Conference, Petersborough, ONT.

        Dong, N. and C.M. Pennuto. 2008. Effects of experience on predators avoidance behavior of native and invasive crayfish. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual conference, Syracuse, NY

        Rupprecht, S. and C.M. Pennuto. 2008. Assessing barriers to round goby (Neogobius melanostomas) invasion of Great Lakes tributary streams. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual conference, Syracuse, NY. Co-winner best student poster.

        Young, B.A. and C.M. Pennuto. 2008. Context dependency and the role of intraguild predation in invasion success of amphipods in the Great Lakes. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual conference, Syracuse, NY

Krakowiak, P.J. and C.M. Pennuto. 2007. Seasonal abundance and diet preference of round gobies (Neogobius melanostomas) in Lake Erie tributary streams. GLRC Annual conference, Syracuse, NY. Winner best student oral presentation.

Pennuto, C.M., M. Smith, and A. Nazarenko. 2006. Riparian zone spiders as mercury sentinels. 8th International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. August 6-11, Madison, WI.

Krakowiak, P.J. and C.M. Pennuto. 2006. Effects of the invasive round goby on macroinvertebrate communities in Lake Erie tributary streams. IAGLR Annual Conference, Windsor, ON.

Pennuto, C.M. and D.A. Keppler. 2006. Predator avoidance behavior helps explain amphipod invasive success. IAGLR Annual Conference, Windsor, ON.

Gaiser, J. and C.M. Pennuto. 2006. Size-dependent growth patterns in crayfish reared on different diets. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY.  

Krakowiak, P.J. and C.M. Pennuto. 2006. Effects of invasive round gobies (Neogobius melanostomus) on macroinvertebrate communities in tributary streams of eastern Lake Erie. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY. Winner best student poster.

Keppler, D.A. and C.M. Pennuto. 2005. Does predator avoidance behavior determine invasive success? Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Woodall, J.A. and C.M. Pennuto. 2005. Competition for cavities: testing for possible interactions between invasive round gobies and native crayfish. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Smith, M.L. and C.M. Pennuto. 2005. Assessing mercury flux from emerging aquatic insects to riparian zone spiders near the Buffalo River AOC. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Keppler, D.A. and C.M. Pennuto. 2004.  Predator-avoidance behavior of the invasive amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the native Gammarus fasciatus. Great Lakes Research Consortium Annual Conference, Syracuse, NY.

Pennuto, C.M. and M.A. Green.  2003.  Patterns in sediment, seston, and benthic macroinvertebrate C:N ratios in two lakes of southern Maine, USA. Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Athens, GA

 Pennuto, C.M.  2001.  Examining host/symbiont theory using an obligate commensal: implications for context-dependency.  Ecological Society of America, Madison, WI

Pennuto, C.M., C. Belisle, and C. Wooster-Brown.  2000. Does an obligate commensal fit predictions of a stable symbiosis?: an examination of midge/host dynamics in southern Maine streams. Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Keystone, CO.

Pennuto, C.M. 1999. Escaping a dog-eat-dog world and landing in another dog-eat-dog world: an example from aquatic insects.  CAS Faculty Colloquium Seminar Series.

Pennuto, C.M. 1999. To commune or not commune: the costs of camping with your kind.  Gorham Science Academy Lecture Series. 

Ferrington, L.C. Jr. and C.M. Pennuto. 1999. Corynocera butleri, a new species of Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae) from North Dakota. North American Benthological Society, Duluth, MN.

Pennuto, C.M. 1999. Effects of larval density, movement pattern, and attachment site on emergence success and adult body weight in a commensal chironomid. Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Duluth, MN.

Pennuto, C.M. 1998. Season and predator-induced changes in substrate preference by stream-dwelling invertebrates.  Annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, CA.

Belisle, C.L. and C.M. Pennuto. 1998. Sex differences in stonefly movement behavior with and

without prey present. Maine Biological & Medical Sciences Symposium.  Biddeford, ME.

Pennuto, C.M. and C. Wooster-Brown. 1998. Winter movement and site preference patterns of midge commensals on their fishfly hosts. Maine Biological & Med Sciences Symposium. Biddeford, ME.

Pennuto, C.M.  1998.  Seasonal differences in substrate choice by stream-dwelling insects under predation risk.  Maine Biological & Medical Sciences Symposium.  Biddeford, ME.

Belisle, C.L. and C.M. Pennuto.  1997.  Sex differences in substrate preference and movement patterns by stonefly nymphs (Acronueria sp.).  Maine Biological & Medical Sciences Symposium.  Waterville, ME.  

Pennuto, C.M. 1997. Facultative commensalisms as potential water quality indicators. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, Lake George, NY     

Pennuto, C.M. 1995.  Chloride cell responses in the stonefly Sweltza lamba to reduced pH. Gorham Science Academy Lecture Series, Gorham, ME. 

Pennuto, C.M.  1992.  Behavioral responses of Drunella coloradensis to reduced pH in experimental stream chambers. Systematics and Ecology GSO Symposium, Lawrence, KS. 

Pennuto, C.M.  1990.  Leeches: they are not just parasites. Prairie States Ecology Conclave, Lebanon, MO.

Pennuto, C.M.  1988.  Habitat and economic value of Nephelopsis obscura Verrill in North Dakota. American Fisheries Society, Aberdeen, SD.

Pennuto, C.M.  1987.  Habitat, distribution, and trap susceptibility of Nephelopsis obscura in North Dakota. Great Plains Limnology Conference, Ames, IA. 


Professional Societies

North American Benthological Society (NABS)           

        Ecological Society of America (ESA)                         

        International Association for Great Lakes Research (IAGLR)

        American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES)


M.A. Graduate Student theses as major professor

        Mr. Bryan Young, M.A. (expect completion December 2009). Thesis title: The role of intraguild predation in the invasion success of non-native amphipods in the Great Lakes.

Ms. Shannon Rupprecht, M.A. (expect completion December 2009). Thesis title: Assessing the swimming performance of the round goby (Neogobius melanostomus Pallas 1814) and its implications for upstream migration in tributary streams and rivers.

Ms. Nini Dong, M.A. (expect completion November 2009). Thesis title: Differences in learning, memory, and predator avoidance by invasive and native crayfish.

Mr. Peter Krakowiak, M.A. 2007. Thesis title: Effects of the invasive round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) on tributary streams of Eastern Lake Erie:  examination of fish and macroinvertebrate community change, seasonal abundance, and diet preference.

Ms. Dawn Keppler, M.A. 2006. Thesis title: A comparison of the predator-avoidance behavior of the

                invasive amphipod Echinogammarus ischnus and the native Gammarus fasciatus.


M.S. Ed. Graduate Student projects directed


Ms. Stephanie Gugino: Effect of specific conductivity on density and size of chloride cells in native and invasive Lake Erie amphipods.

Ms. Joy Stoddard: The role of sight and male body size on female mate choice by the crayfish, Orconectes propinquus.

Mr. Richard Walton: The effect of increasing predation risk on leaf consumption by the crayfish

 Orconectes propinquus.

Ms. Reva Gilbert: Fluctuating asymmetry in chelae and leg morphology of crayfish from PAH-contaminated and uncontaminated habitats.

Ms. Jennifer Benson: The effects of hunger levels on the risk-taking behavior of the crayfish Orconectes propinquus.


        Ms. Kimberly Sortisio: Effect of body size and food quality on clearance rates of Quagga mussels (Dreissena bugensis).

        Mr. Patrick Creamer: Effects of turbidity on crayfish predation of invasive and native amphipods.

        Ms. Renee Herrscher: Behavioral response of juvenile crayfish (Orconectes propinquus, Giard 1852) to predator cues.

        Mr. Stephen Hoak: Effect of habitat complexity on predation rates on native and non-native amphipods.

        Ms. Jacqueline Houser: The influence of body size on the predator avoidance behavior of the crayfish Orconectes propinquus.


        Mr. Jason Kuczkowski: A comparison of summer and winter macroinvertebrate communities as water quality indicators.

        Ms. Dianna Kibler: Effects of size, sex, and species on habitat use of crayfish in Ellicott Creek, New


        Ms. Marley Smith: Investigating mercury transfer from emerging aquatic insects to riparian spiders near the Buffalo River, AOC.

        Ms. Christine Lepiano: Characteristics of the oviposition sites of the Megaloptera from streams in Western New York.


Undergraduate projects

        Ms. Shana Chapman: Larval drift by round gobies in Ellicott Creek, NY.

        Ms. Jessica Gaiser: Food quality and crayfish growth rates: a stoichiometric perspective.

        Ms. Amy Krueger: An assessment of winter breeding by the round goby.

        Mr. Michael Widysch: Shelter use by round gobies.

        Mr. Christopher Janik: Diet and energy consumption by round gobies in Ellicott Creek.

        Ms. Almelia Brown: Effect of preservation time on the energy content of round goby tissue.

        Ms. Catherine Wooster-Brown: Assessing aggression levels among ectosymbiotic midges.

        Ms. Claire Belisle: Sex differences in habitat use by larval stoneflies, Acronueria.


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