Genetic Testimony assignment  worth 2 writing assignment (10 pts)   Due Wednesday, May 4, 2005


Find a case where DNA has been used as “genetic testimony”.  This can be any of the cases in your book or look on some of the websites (including the Innocence Project).  The cases could be in any of the following categories – or categories I haven’t considered.


Conviction or exoneration of a murder suspect (OJ Simpson or the Innocence Project – and many many others!)

Identification of victims (9/11, Rowanda, Boznia/Herzegovina)

Identification of food items (whale meat in Japan, cattle, livestock id and origin, etc.)

Sexual assault cases

Paternity cases (human or other)


Explain what the case was about, what genetic method(s) was/were used in the investigation, and describe how the case concluded (or didn’t conclude).  What is your opinion about the case?


This should be a page or 2 long (in your own writing!) and don’t forget the citations!  If you have used a case from the book or that isn’t well covered on a website, be sure to get additional information on-line or elsewhere.