Carianne M. Plonka

SWK 423: Workbook-Assignment V





Outcome Goals & Evaluation: Ms. Macoy will acquire and maintain increasing self-respect and ensure that significant others treat her with

more respect and care. (Ms. Macoy has been in an abusive relationship with Mr. Tigue.)


1.) In order to understand the cycle of violence, the client can review the materials given to her including the wheel of violence literature and

other articles presented to her. The client can review the recommended articles and materials given to her in her annotated bibliography. To

measure that the client has reviewed the literature and knows these cycles and literature, in two weeks time she will present her findings to the

support group and individual counselor.


Degree of Achievement:


4-The client has read the materials presented and can present her findings to the support group and individual counselor.


3-The client has read the materials, understands the content but needs to review the literature before she can present it to the group.


2-The client has read the materials but there are some questions that need to be answered before she can fully understand it.


1-The client has glanced over the materials but does not understand it.


O-The client has had no opportunity to look over the materials so she cannot understand the materials.


In evaluating this task, this worker concludes that Ms. Macoy accomplished the most favorable outcome on this task (4). She is very sociable

and able to talk in front of others. She learns very easily and was very interested in understanding these cycles. She took the time to read the

material presented, has demonstrated her knowledge on this topic and will be able to present it to the support group.


2.) In order to understand the complementary relationship between aggressor and victims, the client can read articles from the Social Work

Journals from NASW presented to her in her annotated bibliography. She can take notes on several movies pertaining to domestic violence

including The Burning Bed and others given to her. She can also review her situation in her relationship where he is the aggressor and she is

the victim. In order to measure the client's knowledge of these complementary relationships, she can keep a log of her significant experiences in

her relationship and the role she played and the role Mr. McTigue took. Also, in this log she can note what her role should have been and what

his role should have been. In addition, she can take notes on the articles and movies presented to her in her bibliography. These can be

discussed in counseling sessions.

Degree of Achievement:

4- The client has read all the articles, taken notes on all movies, kept a log of her significant experiences and what role she should have played,

and can fully understand the complementary relationship between aggressor and victim.


3-The client has read all the articles, taken notes on all movies, kept a log of her significant experiences and what roles she could have played,

but has a few questions concerning these complementary relationships. She does not fully understand the cycle of violence in detail. all m, vies,



2- The client has read a couple of articles, has seen bits and pieces of a movie, has a few significant experiences and what roles should have

been taken and has a couple of notes in her log. The client does not fully understand the relationship.


1-The client has taken out the articles but didn't have time to review them. She has the movies. She thought about her situation where he is the

aggressor and she is the victim butt she has no notes, hasn't kept a log and does not understand the complementary relationship.


0-The client has not been able to get time away from Mr. McTigue to watch movies, read articles, log experiences and roles she should have

taken. Therefore, Ms. Macoy does not know the complementary relationships.


In task accomplishment, this worker concludes that the client has accomplished the minimally satisfactory achievement level (2 Ms. Macoy

only had time to read a couple of articles, and see bits an pieces of movies due to Mr. McTigue being in the house. The client has the potential

to learn this task but needs more time away from the abuser to fully accomplish this task. She has expressed an interest in this task but

requires more time.


3.) In order to help Ms. Macoy understand her self-defeating thoughts and self-statements, the client can pay attention to what she

consciously says to herself and in what situations she says these negative statements. She can make a log of these thoughts and negative

statements and in what situations they are used. She should keep a note pad on her to note these statements as they occur and place these in

her log at the end of each week. Noting these statements will take place for one month with discussion of these statements each week during

counseling sessions.


Degree of Achievement:

4-Ms. Macoy fully understands her self-defeating thoughts and self-statements, and in what situations she says them. She has kept a complete

log of these and can discuss this in detail.


3-Ms. Macoy has kept a complete list of her self-defeating thoughts and self statements and in what situations they are used. However, she has

few questions before she can understand it fully. She can partially discuss and understand these thoughts and self-statements.


2-Ms. Macoy has a partial list of her self-defeating thoughts and self-statements and a few situations in which they are used. She does not

understand these thoughts but wants to. She is willing to understand this but cannot discuss it at this time.


I-Ms. Macoy knows she has self-defeating thoughts but cannot identify them, log them or understand them.


O-Ms. Macoy has not even thought about this task and any of her thoughts and self-statements due to being around the abuser at all times.


Regarding this task, this worker concludes that the client has achieved a very favorable outcome (3). She has kept a complete list of her

self-defeating thoughts and self-statements but has a few questions concerning this task before she can understand fully what her

self-statements mean. With one or two more counseling sessions, this client will have mastered this task.


4.) In order to combat these self-defeating thoughts, cognitive restructuring therapy can be used in one-on-one counseling. The intent of the

Cognitive Restructuring is to replace self-defeating thoughts and misconceptions that impair personal functioning with beliefs and behaviors

that are aligned with reality and lead to enhanced functioning. In these sessions will this worker will help the client to question the basis and

effects of her dysfunctional thoughts. This will be done by discussing her journal entries. Then this worker will assist Ms. Macoy to substitute

functional self-statements in place of self-defeating thoughts. Lastly, this worker will assist Ms. Macoy in rewarding herself for successful

coping efforts. Homework assignments can also used to take the entries from the previous task and turn these statements around into positive

statements. This can also be done to change the situations in which these responses occur. These steps will take about six weeks of one hour

counseling sessions. This Cognitive Restructuring process will take about 10 weeks. At the end of each second week (the end of each step)

progress will be checked, re-evaluated if need be or we will continue with the next step.


Degree of Achievement:

4-The client has full awareness of the steps in Cognitive Restructuring. She has full awareness of her self-defeating thoughts and

misconceptions, can replace them with positive beliefs and can reward herself for successful thoughts.


3-The client is aware of the steps in Cognitive Restructuring. She has full awareness of her self-defeating thoughts and misconceptions and can

in some instances replace them with positive beliefs. She can sometimes reward herself as well.


2-Ms. Macoy has partial awareness of the steps in Cognitive Restructuring. She has some awareness of her self-defeating thoughts and

misconceptions, but can not replace them with positive beliefs.


1- Ms. Macoy has some awareness of the steps in Cognitive Restructuring but has no awareness of her self-defeating thoughts and



0- Ms. Macoy has no understanding of Cognitive Restructuring and is resistant to learn about it.


On task 4, Ms. Macoy achieved a "2". She accepts the principle that what and how you think affects your feelings and behavior. She is able to

identify some self-defeating thoughts, but can not easily dispute these thoughts and replace them with constructive/coping thoughts.


5) In order to achieve her goal of acquiring and maintaining self-respect and ensuring that significant others treat her respectfully, Ms. Macoy

will learn her assertive rights and assertive techniques, e.g. broken record, fogging, self-disclosure by reading The New Assertive Women,

journal writing, discussing and role playing situations in sessions with this worker.


Degree of Achievement

4-Ms. Macoy has learned assertiveness skills by reading The New Assertive Women; shows her ability to apply these ideas/skills in her

significant relationship; has discussed and role played this in counseling sessions; and has taken notes in her log on assertiveness.


3-Ms. Macoy has learned this skill but cannot use this skill in her relationship with Mr. McTigue. She knows the skills, have documented them

in her log, and can reiterate it in counseling.


2-Ms. Macoy knows and has made some progress in learning these skills but does not fully know all the skills involved to stand up to the

abuser. She has documented a few of the steps.


1-Ms. Macoy has not made any progress in learning these skills. She has not logged any steps involved either.


0-Ms. Macey doesn't feel she needs to stand up to the abuser and feels no need to learn assertiveness training.


In reviewing the above scale, Ms. Macey has merited a level "3" on the task achievement scale. Ms. Macoy has learned this skill but cannot

use this skill in her relationship with Mr. McTique. She feels that unless she is out on her own, becoming assertive with him will only cause

her problems. She knows the skills, has documented them in her log, and can reiterate it in counseling.


Task Achievement Success Rating (Only five tasks were highlighted because of their length.


Considering the task achievement ratings for the eleven tasks and the points possible that could be achieved, a score of 73% success rate was

achieved. This was determined by adding the scores from the eleven tasks - 4+2+3+2+3+2+3+2+4+4+3=32. The maximum points possible is 44

(11 x 4). By dividing 32/44=.727 , a 73% success rate is reached.


Recording of Client’s Accomplishments:

In recording this client’s accomplishments and progress a session evaluation was done after each one hour counseling session. The session

evaluation form is provided at the end of this assignment. After each session, the worker is required to keep (in a binder) a session evaluation

on each client for every client. This evaluation is used to give the worker direction in each session, to refresh the worker as to what happen in

past sessions and to plan tor future sessions. These forms are also very helpful in evaluating clients progress. See SESSION EVALUATION

form at the end of this assignment.


Effectiveness of Treatment Plan:

In looking at this client’s treatment plan, I feel the most effective aspect was teaching the client to understand the cycle of violence so that she

may see the dynamics that are working in her relationship. She has noticed that Mr. Tigue has shown her affection but often undermines her
