The Research and Field Sub-Curriculum Groups have agreed upon the following suggestions as ways in which students can demonstrate their ability to evaluate their own practice in the field. Each student is expected to have one learning goal that demonstrates his/her ability to evaluate practice effectiveness.

1. Client/consumer satisfaction survey which seeks feedback from clients regarding ways to improve upon service delivery and strengths in the manner of delivery.

2. Goal attainment and/or task achievement scaling to measure a student’s impact on a particular client’s goal. 

3. A time series design to measure client's or clients' progress on a goal that lends itself to repeated measurements.

4. A group design for students who provide the same intervention to 12 or more clients. Probably the student would need to identify reasonable ways of attaining pre- and post-intervention measures for the clients that participate in the intervention.

With any of these methods, please feel free to consult with your field liaison and the research faculty within the Social Work Department.