Mahler, Fall 2005 Workbook Assignments  

Please prepare a clearly typewritten paper that is complete, well-organized, and reflects a professional presentation (written in complete sentences; using well-chosen words, neither slang nor professional jargon; following correct usage, grammar and punctuation).Use the headings and sub-headings to organize your write up.  Each pass-fail assignment is worth 3 points (Assignments I, II-A, III-A, IV-A). These assignments can be re-done once if need be and are due one week after receiving the unsatisfactory grade. The letter-graded assignments cannot be re-done and are valued as follows:  Assignment II-B: 4 points, Assignment III-B: 6 points, Assignment IV-B: 4 points, Assignment V: 5 points, Assignment VI: 4 points. The total workbook assignment is worth 35 points toward your final grade.

Assignment I-- Assessment   (Pass-Fail; 3 points)
Biographical Sketch

1. Description of Client(s):

a. Names, ages (date of birth), ethnic/racial group, physical and mental health condition, educational background, employment history, sources of income.

b. Family and significant others, housing situation, involvement with legal, medical, and other social service providers.

2. Referral source- Who referred the case and why?


3. Problem Statement given from the—


a. Client's perception

b. Perception of significant others

c. Worker's perception


(What behavior, thoughts, feelings, and/or living conditions brought the prospective client to the attention of the helper?)

4. History of the problem:

a. Onset & Critical Events during the course of the problem- When did the problem first present itself in the client's life?  If the problem has resulted in periods of institutionalization, residential care, or incarceration, describe these episodes and the client’s responses to such treatment.

b. Coping Strategies- Discuss any past attempts to solve the problem including contact-, with other professionals and self help groups.

5. Extent of the Problem- What is the approximate duration of each problem incident? How often does the problem occur (frequency)? How intense is the problem? Provide evidence to support your conclusion about the intensity level.

6. Problem Context and Dynamics-

a.  Where does the problem occur? Who else is involved?

b. Dynamics/Contributing factors- what behaviors of others or situations precede (overt antecedents) and influence the problem? What feelings is the client aware of which might influence the problem or is experienced by the client as a problem (covert antecedents)? How did (do) others react to the problem? What consequences (effect) did their responses have on the expression and frequency of problem behavior(s)? How were significant others affected by the client's behaviors?

7. Strengths and needs of client system and his/her social environment


a. The client’s strengths

b. Other family members' strengths

c. The client's needs (from his/her viewpoint and then from yours)

d. Other family members' needs (from his/her viewpoint and then from yours)

6. Possible outcome goals for which the client sought help or was directed to get help. [Outcome goals represent desired accomplishments, not the methods for achieving them. For example:  Mr. & Mrs. Smith will communicate respectfully and attentively to each other 75% or more of the time during which they interact by the end of 8 weeks of intervention.

NOT—Mr. & Mrs. Smith will complete 10 sessions of marital counseling I which they are taught to listen and empathize with one another. (This is an objective or a method for achieving the desired outcome.)