Consumer Behavior & Market Research Consulting |
My interests and expertise are also focused on consumer behavior and market research. I have consulted in numerous areas such as banking, telecommunications, retail, automotive, government, and food service sectors. These are fields that are immensely influenced by psychology, especially personality and social psychology. Most people think of consumption as a one time state involving the purchase and use of products. But the reality is that consumption is a process that starts well before we ever “consume” products (or ideas, or services, or experiences etc.— in fact, you are a consumer of this page right now) and extends well beyond when we’re finished “consuming”.
The thing I’ve always loved about consumer behavior is that we are ALL consumers. Market research is a wonderful tool for businesses and corporations to better understand who needs/wants/uses their “product” and how to understand and better serve that market. The first thing that first struck me when starting in this industry was how many companies don’t really understand the consumer market. On the flip side, this area of research can also help the consumer better understand themselves and how to maximize their consumption process (e.g. to understand why they consume things they don’t need, why they spend too much money on name brands when alternatives are just as good, and how to avoid being taken advantage of by unscrupulous marketers).
Here are some areas where Psychology is involved in the consumer process:
Research Methods Perception Learning Memory Self concept/self esteem/self efficacy Personality Attitudes Attitude Change Buying and Disposing Decision Making Subcultures Age Attention Vision Morality Technology Motivation Attraction Advertising
……...Just to name a few
Feel free to email me if you are interested in hearing more about Consumer Psychology or Market Research Consulting.