Course Description:


This course attempts to help students understand the many causes and potential consequences of aggression and violence.  We will attempt to differentiate between various types of aggression from scientific and lay perspectives. 


We will examine a broad range of general personal, social, and environmental theories, but also attempt to apply these theories to real world aggression, such as war, the family, the workplace and roadways.  Finally, we will attempt to understand how theory and practice may combine to reduce aggression.


Rather than just teach theory I try to incorporate research and applications in classroom.  My goal is to get students to think about how the content of the course applies to their everyday lives. 


Topics include:


· What is aggression and how does it differ from violence

· Social determinants of aggression

· Personal determinants

· Workplace aggression

· Roadway aggression

· School aggression

· Domestic aggression

psychology symbol

PSY 384: Psychology of Aggression & Violence

Dwight Hennessy, Ph.D.

Buffalo State College